Have You Prayed For a Lakers Fan Today? #theUCshow

Photo Source: @Jose3030
Photo Source: @Jose3030

The agenda for #theUCshow on Wednesday, December 21st. Hosted by Eddie Maisonet @edthesportsfan and Kenny Masenda @soulonice6:

:0 - :20 - Have you heard of this new thing in L.A. called "Lob City?" Oh, and those old guys that wear purple and gold. in L.A. too? Kenny will introduce the recent "Have you Prayed for a Lakers Fan Today?" movement.

:20 - :40 - How much does home field matter in the NFL playoffs? We're looking at you New Orleans Saints.

:40 - 1:00 - The five games of Christmas: NBA Edition (Except that Kenny really doesn't care about any of the games, even his hometown Mavs.)

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Oh, and if you aren't familiar with the song that is played twice in the one hour live show, the song is called "Rack Daddy" by Fat Pimp. Yes, appreciate our ethnicity. You know you want to.

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