When it comes to video games around here at TSFJ, we realize that they are a time-waster, an opportunity to let the mind escape and generally for us gamers to be in our own world.
Recently, it was announced that LeBron James will be on the cover of the world's greatest basketball game, NBA 2K14, and many lads between the age of 10-50 have already put their money down to guarantee a copy once it releases. (Heck, we've encouraged the ladies to do a good deed and purchase this for their man as an act of good faith for their relationship.)
The season hasn't even ended yet, and we can't wait for the new season to begin. Plus, we get to meet "Video Game James." Who is VGJ, you ask? Well check out the trailer below and find out. All hail the King, and go get NBA 2K14.

Eddie Maisonet is the founder and editor emeritus of The Sports Fan Journal. Currently, he serves as an associate editor for ESPN.com. He is an unabashed Russell Westbrook and Barry Switzer apologist, owns over 100 fitteds and snapbacks, and lives by Reggie Jackson’s famous quote, “I am the straw that stirs the drink.”