The Converse Pro Leather, Stalley + The Dream and Block Parties at the World Basketball Festival

How dope is it that you can wake up one day, step outside and go hoop, eat good food, listen to good music and stare at good-looking women? God bless America.

Why the patriotic salute? Well, right up the street from Howard University, Converse and the World Basketball Festival decided to roll out the necessary resources at Banneker Community Center in Washington, D.C. to host a block party to celebrate local street culture through basketball, music, and art. While at the block party, Converse unveiled their new Pro Leather kicks line which offers six styles with a city representation branded onto the shoe right next to the classic Converse Star Chevron logo. The "branding" represents for the cities around the world that will participate in Nike's World Basketball Festival 2012 events.

Along with the shoe drop, free food, free t-shirts, a brand new basketball court (very dope, big ups to Nick of for the impromptu hoop session) and a concert performance lineup that consisted of  Converse Rubber Tracks Tanya Morgan and Fresh Daily and rapper Stalley (with Cincinnati's own DJ Bandcamp in the building) and R&B singer The-Dream.

Checkout the photos below for some of the dope happenings that took place at the Banneker Community Center while I try and find some air conditioning from being out in the sun sweating my life away.


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