Podcast: It's Time For The NBA Finals


On the latest edition of The UC Show, the three amigos discussed The NBA Finals, the most anticipated time of the year for NBA fans. Justin Tinsley, now free from the burden of a seven-game battle with the Indiana Pacers, issued a public apology for his words against them for the past couple of weeks, but he did make it a point to single out a particular member of the Indiana Pacers who bit off more than he could chew before it was time. That Pacer became a punchline for the remainder of the show.

After that, the fellas spoke highly of Gregg Popovich and the interviews he is required to submit to at the end of the first (or third, depending on whether the Spurs are the home or away team) quarter. It led the amigos to ask who they would dread interviewing and it also brought back a story about Ed and Coach K from the World Basketball Festival in 2010 when Ed made a cardinal sin in interviewing.

Later on, Till jumped on the line to give us some thoughts on The Finals, but he was blind-sided by Tr3y, who issued some barbs at Till's head in the chat room and brought it to the phone lines. It got real indeed, but in the end, no one was harmed, threatened or hurt.

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