It's officially the summertime all across the country and with the solstice in full effect, that really means only one thing for parents. The kids are home from school and they must be entertained for the next two-plus months.
You see, my mother had nothing to worry about, as she'd get me dressed in the morning just like I was going to school, but then she'd hit a detour on 67th and Cache Rd. and take me right over to my grandma's house. However, other parents prefer to get their kids enrolled into a variety of different summer camps. While I've been to a few different camps in my day, if I were a kid again and I found out that Nick Young was going to be hosting his own summer basketball camp? There's no way I'm missing that camp, that's Swaggy P!
Here's the thing about those summer basketball camps that no one really talks enough about. All those kids want to experience are the following things:
1) To acquire as much free stuff as possible. (Which it really ain't free)
2) To go 1-on-1 vs. whomever's hosting the camp.
3) To acquire as much free stuff as possible. (Which again, it really ain't free)
The thing about most professional athletes is, if you go 1-on-1 versus the host of the tournament than the atmosphere of the camp could drastically go against your favor. I mean, no one expects you to actually do anything...I mean, look at you. You're 4'12" and this dude's might as well be an entire rim taller than you. No bueno. But, if you're going up against Nick Young, and you just so happen to hit him with the old Okie Doke, the rest could quite possibly be history.
Okay, it's time for a quick breakdown. Let me make a few points.
ONE: Young fella, let's call him Lucky Lefty, looks like a blend of Ginobili and Harden. Hopefully he can play defense.
TWO: The little kid under the basket was so anxious for Lucky Lefty to make that shot. He's already performed multiple hops in the general direction of Young.
THREE: That awkward moment when you jump in the air and you realize you just got pumped faked into oblivion. The worst.
This is just one more reason why we love to Nick Young. We know that if this would've happened to Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant, then the kid wouldn't have made a shot ever again. Like, in life. In fact, I imagine MJ would light a cigar, puff smoke in the boys' face. He'd tuck in his shirt into his shorts and begin backing down a man 150 pounds his junior. Kobe would probably cheat like none other. He'd offer up one of his daughters in a trade, or try and jab the kid in his baby ribs and tell the kid that if he comes to play with him he'll "show them how to win". Dwight Howard would've continued to be an asshole by blocking the kid's next 32 shots and then he'd be the first guy to get booed out of his own camp.
Honestly though, the best thing about this 15 second photo is the caption Nick gave it. "Ok he got me lol". Nick Young, the people's champion, everybody. All hail Swaggy P.

Eddie Maisonet is the founder and editor emeritus of The Sports Fan Journal. Currently, he serves as an associate editor for He is an unabashed Russell Westbrook and Barry Switzer apologist, owns over 100 fitteds and snapbacks, and lives by Reggie Jackson’s famous quote, “I am the straw that stirs the drink.”