Starting Lineups: Rudy Fernandez Dunking On Dwight Howard In 2008 Makes Me Happy

First off, hat tip to @Jubanator14 for the inspiration. Salute to you sir.

Secondly, it's possible I'm going to be raging against the Dwight Howard machine repeatedly until he's on a new team. So, anytime I feel like poking fun at him, I will.


Yes, the United States won the game in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Yes, that was Kobe Bryant that got shook at the three-point line. Yes, that was Kobe looking at Dwight like it was Dwight's fault for allowing Rudy to have a semi-clear path to the lane. Yes, that was Dwight getting a neck full of YUUUUUUUUULE from Rudy in all his Spanish slamming glory.

I'd really feel sorry for Dwight, but I'm taking Kobe's side on this. Maybe if you had a spine four years ago, you would've fouled Rudy into oblivion and taken him to the ground like a true American, thus making your decision-making process so much easier when it comes to picking a team to play for. Instead, you hesitated, waffled and ultimately got a neck full of YUUUUUULE for your troubles.

Good luck in the 2012-13 season, buddy. Here's your pertinent reading material for Friday, enjoy the weekend everybody!

No Guts, No Glory: Someone please stop Roddy White from tweeting

Life and Times: Who’s The Best Fighter on the Planet?: Anderson Silva or Floyd Mayweather

Pasta Padre: NBA Live 13 Goes Away From Stretched Out Ratings Introduced 3 Years Ago

NY Mag: So Who’s Better: The Knicks or the Nets?

Pro Football Talk: Michael Irvin speaks at UFC Summit

Beyond The Arc: Where is the $200,000 Hawaii paid for a Stevie Wonder concert?

ClipperBlog: Jack McCallum talks Dream Team and Clippers

Ball Don't Lie: Hakeem Olajuwon wants to work with Serge Ibaka

Day and a Dream: The Penn State Rabbit Hole Just Became Even Deeper

Smoking Section: Thanks But No Thanks, NAACP: Romney Already Has His Own Black People

The Well Versed: A Fistful Of Reality – A Changing Of The Guard In Pro-Wrestling

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