First off, hat tip to @Jubanator14 for the inspiration. Salute to you sir.
Secondly, it's possible I'm going to be raging against the Dwight Howard machine repeatedly until he's on a new team. So, anytime I feel like poking fun at him, I will.
Yes, the United States won the game in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Yes, that was Kobe Bryant that got shook at the three-point line. Yes, that was Kobe looking at Dwight like it was Dwight's fault for allowing Rudy to have a semi-clear path to the lane. Yes, that was Dwight getting a neck full of YUUUUUUUUULE from Rudy in all his Spanish slamming glory.
I'd really feel sorry for Dwight, but I'm taking Kobe's side on this. Maybe if you had a spine four years ago, you would've fouled Rudy into oblivion and taken him to the ground like a true American, thus making your decision-making process so much easier when it comes to picking a team to play for. Instead, you hesitated, waffled and ultimately got a neck full of YUUUUUULE for your troubles.
Good luck in the 2012-13 season, buddy. Here's your pertinent reading material for Friday, enjoy the weekend everybody!
No Guts, No Glory: Someone please stop Roddy White from tweeting
Life and Times: Who’s The Best Fighter on the Planet?: Anderson Silva or Floyd Mayweather
Pasta Padre: NBA Live 13 Goes Away From Stretched Out Ratings Introduced 3 Years Ago
NY Mag: So Who’s Better: The Knicks or the Nets?
Pro Football Talk: Michael Irvin speaks at UFC Summit
Beyond The Arc: Where is the $200,000 Hawaii paid for a Stevie Wonder concert?
ClipperBlog: Jack McCallum talks Dream Team and Clippers
Ball Don't Lie: Hakeem Olajuwon wants to work with Serge Ibaka
Day and a Dream: The Penn State Rabbit Hole Just Became Even Deeper
Smoking Section: Thanks But No Thanks, NAACP: Romney Already Has His Own Black People
The Well Versed: A Fistful Of Reality – A Changing Of The Guard In Pro-Wrestling
Eddie Maisonet is the founder and editor emeritus of The Sports Fan Journal. Currently, he serves as an associate editor for He is an unabashed Russell Westbrook and Barry Switzer apologist, owns over 100 fitteds and snapbacks, and lives by Reggie Jackson’s famous quote, “I am the straw that stirs the drink.”