By KJ Kearney / @h1gher
March Madness is finally here. Brackets are ready to be filled out. (Here's TSFJ's March Madness Bracket Challenge, sign up!) Wagers are ready to be made. Trash talk is ready to be exchanged. But what is one to do if you're a resident of The Palmetto State?
Seeing as South Carolina has no professional sports teams in South Carolina...
SIDE TANGENT: The Carolina Panthers, while having my rooting interest, does NOT count as OUR team. The NFL tried to play us by saying "Hey North Carolina and South Carolina, you guys love football right? And you guys are pretty much one big state, right (WRONG! How wrong? I could spend days telling you the many differences but here's the only one that matters: THOSE PEOPLE EAT GOD FORSAKEN VINEGAR BASED PULLED PORK BBQ OMG WHY WOULD ANYONE WITH TASTE BUDS PREFER THAT MESS OVER MUSTARD BASED BBQ!?! JESUS BE A FENCE!)? Well, here's a team you both can cheer for and support...I'll just stay at North Carolina's house. South Carolina, you can come up and play with it anytime you'd like!" /END TANGENT.
...where was I? Oh yes! Seeing as South Carolina has no professional sports teams (no disrespect to the semi-pro joints) college sports are King. So all our colleges, in some degree, have rabid fan bases. My alma mater (South Carolina STATE University) included. I say all that to say, even though I'm 100% sure that the vast majority of you that are reading this are NOT from South Carolina, you have no earthly idea what the heck a "Wofford" is.
Wofford is a private college in the Northwestern part of South Carolina. Over the last 20 years or so they've been pretty good at football, winning three Southern Conference championships and even beating a couple FBS teams along the way (interesting fact, Jerry Richardson, the owner of the Carolina Panthers, is a Wofford alum) and it seems that basketball success is following suit.
This past week the Terriers punched their tickets to the NCAA Tourney and while that information would have probably been sent to your "Who Cares" pile, the post game interview with senior forward Aerris Smith will punch you right in the FEELS. Thus making the Wofford Terriers your Florida Gulf Coast for this year's big dance. Enjoy the video above, as this senior tells the world that the Terriers win in the Southern Conference championship game would be his last.
Here are your morning reads for Monday, enjoy.